Patti Vancil comes to the Joseph Jordan UCMJ Law Group with a Military Mom's perspective. Her children have served in the Military for 10 years. Her insights bring a balanced understanding of the trials and tribulations that occur during your military career. She is a calming presence to all of our potential clients, and she assists Mrs. Carnahan and Mr. Jordan in case development.
Mrs. Vancil has spent over 2 decades in the medical industry as a Nurse. Patti's nursing background allows her to quickly diagnose your situation in order to accurately inform the rest of the legal team. Patti's long experience as a Nurse assures you of getting your questions answered in a timely manner by the appropriate member of the legal team. In addition, we get the benefit of having a former medical professional on our legal staff that can assist in discerning a variety of potential issues the come up with allegations against service members.