Punitive Articles of the UCMJ

Understanding the Uniform Code of Military Justice

The Uniform Code of Military Justice is a federal law enacted by the U.S. Congress that outlines criminal offenses under military law and defines the military justice system. Joseph L. Jordan exclusively works with military clients. That means our team has a leg up on the competition when it comes to defending you against military crimes. We are familiar with all of the articles of the UCMJ and have defended a broad range of service members.

Our Military Attorney Will Confidently Represent You

Joseph L. Jordan is proud to represent military members facing investigations or court-martials wherever they are stationed. Regardless of the branch of the military you serve, our office will defend your rights in front of a judge. We specialize in cases pertaining to the articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). If you are facing military crimes, reach out to our office for a consultation. Our team is eager to learn more about your case and propose a strategy to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

We Will Defend You During a Court-Martial

Our team has a track record of success defending members of the armed forces nationwide. If you have been accused of committing a criminal offense under military law and need representation for a military court-martial, Joseph L. Jordan is the military attorney to call. We have an unrivaled knowledge of the extensive articles of the UCMJ and will defend you against sanctions that result in a:

  • Summary Court-Martial – This level of court-martial is similar to Article 15 proceedings, but it can result in a federal conviction for enlisted personnel.
  • Special-Court Martial – We defend military personnel against special court-martials, which typically involve offenses of medium severity.
  • General Court-Martial – Reserved for the most serious offenses, general court-martials have jurisdiction over personnel charged with any UCMJ offense.

Why You Need a Military Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are facing a military court-martial, you need Joseph L. Jordan’s experiencedise to help you fight the case. Because our entire practice is devoted to defending clients against military crimes, we are familiar with the court-martial process. Our seasoned staff has experience with all three levels of court-martials. Our proficiency can help put you at ease regardless of the circumstances. We will compile all the evidence in your case and present a comprehensive defense to help protect your rights and allow you to return to duty.

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The new DOD fingerprinting policy is outlined here

UCMJ Attorney Jordan served as an Army prosecutor in Korea and Fort Cavazos (Fort Hood). His past experience with the Army JAG Corps includes service as a legal assistance attorney, chief of claims, interim chief of justice, operational law attorney, and administrative law attorney.


Let a Former Service Member Fight Your Case

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