Fairchild AFB is located near Spokane, Washington. The base’s primary objective is to provide comprehensive support for America’s war fighters. Fairchild AFB has made headlines for its energy efficient operational structure and the base continues to invest time and effort in these endeavors. Although serious crimes rarely make an appearance in this base, there have been incidents where servicemen and women have been charged with misdemeanors and UCMJ violations. To protect yourself against such charges, you need to contact a competent Fairchild AFB military criminal defense attorney like Joseph Jordan. Mr. Jordan has helped numerous military personnel protect their career and reputation when facing charges.
A number of units consider Fairchild AFB home. The base’s air refueling mission is one of its most well-known missions and it encompasses the 92 nd Air Refueling Wing and the 141 st ARW Air National Guard. With more than 5000 active duty personnel from the Air National Guard the Air Force and others residing here, Fairchild AFB is the largest employer in the Eastern Washington area.
Fairchild AFB is named after General Muir Fairchild who served as a pilot during WWI.

Since the beginning Fairchild AFB has played a crucial role in the United States Defense systems. Whether it is the World War II, the Cold War or the more recent Operation Iraqi Freedom, personnel from this base have contributed significantly to the success of many missions. Even now, Fairchild’s servicemen and women are considered the Air Force tanker fleet’s core strength.
An incident that garnered national attention occurred in Fairchild AFB in 2009. A civilian contract instructor at the base was arrested on a rape charge after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her in a highly secure location within the base. The charges were later amended to one count of second degree assault with sexual intent and three counts of aggravated first degree rape. In 2010, the accused was acquitted of the three counts of first degree rape after the jury decided that the evidence was simply not adequate. The acquittal came after the defense counsel revealed indications that the woman had actually consented to the acts.
All trials do not end the same way and in some cases innocent servicemen and women may be found guilty of the crime they are charged with. To prevent such injustice from happening to you, it is imperative that you contact Joseph Jordan, reputed Fairchild AFB court martial lawyer, when you are facing charges. Talking to an experienced attorney in time can strengthen your case by preventing you from giving into pressure and revealing critical information that can be used against you during the trial.
When you are facing a military trial, it is critical that you know your rights. Talking to a competent and highly experienced Fairchild AFB military criminal defense attorney like Joseph Jordan is necessary at this point. Mr. Jordan has represented military personnel in a variety of cases and he can tell you what you should do to protect yourself when you are facing charges. Whether you are accused of Article 120 sexual assault or Article 81 Conspiracy or UCMJ violation, Mr. Jordan will help you formulate an effective defense against the prosecution.
Joseph Jordan has served in the United States military for over a decade and during this time he also gained experience as a Military Prosecutor. Mr. Jordan has built up a reputation for aggressively representing his clients.
Although he is based in Texas, this experienced Fairchild AFB court martial attorney is available for the defense of servicemen and woman stationed at Fairchild AFB. Call (866) 971-4355 today to get started.