Stationed across the world, soldiers in the U.S. Army are obliged to adhere to the military code of conduct while they are in active duty. A small error on part of the soldier can result in serious crimes, attract penalties that could jeopardize his or her career in the army. When the U.S. Military is charging you of criminal activity, having an aggressive RAF Alconbury UCMJ lawyer is not only important, but necessary.
Joseph L. Jordan is a defense counsel dedicated to protecting the rights of sailors, marines, airmen and soldiers of the U.S. Military stationed anywhere in the world. His knowledge of the law and understanding of the prosecution's ways give him an edge, which he uses to act in the best interests of his client.
The Royal Air Force station Alconbury is an active U.S. Air Force station in Cambridgeshire, UK. The air force base is located 3 miles away from Huntingdon and is 60 miles away from London. It was established as the RAF Abbots Ripton in 1938 and was active under the RAF Bomber Command till 1942.
The station has been operational under the United States Air Force since 1942 and is presently the 423 rd ABG providing services for Alconbury, RAF Upwood and RAF Molesworth, which form the Tri-base area owing to their geographic proximity. The 423 rd ABG also provides services to the 446 th ABS (Air Base Squadron) at the Sola Air Station in Stavanger, Norway.

The RAF Alconbury is an active but non-flying facility comprising of six squadrons including the security forces, air base, civil engineer, medical and services, and support tenant units. The base has been active ever since it was opened, except between 1945 and 1951 when it was inactive. At present, the population of Alconbury is over 8,000 including the army personnel, their families and civilian employees.
The Royal Air Force Station in Alconbury has 209 housing units with equipment to suit the American way of living. The community consists of airmen and their families, and also civilians. There are a few restaurants and diners serving American style food like burgers, steaks, and more in Alconbury. The area also has recreation facilities like clubs, fitness centers, bowling alleys, and tour information centers for traveling in the UK.
Outdoor recreation is also a part of the community. Army personnel at the station can indulge in gold, rock climbing, camping and other group activities. The community also has a youth center that offers instructional classes and leadership programs for the children of the airmen.
The community initiatives have, to an extent, helped in keeping Alconbury free of any major criminal activities. But if airmen or soldiers at the station find themselves facing charges by the U.S. Military, be it for larceny, sex crimes or any other offense, they should immediately hire a RAF Alconbury military criminal defense lawyer to protect their interests.
Army personnel charged with misdemeanors or criminal offenses when on active duty could be dishonorably discharged, or if convicted, be sentenced to jail term. A conviction not only affects the soldier's military career but also personal life and future career prospects.
Joseph L. Jordan is an aggressive RAF Alconbury UCMJ lawyer who has been in service for 11 years. He has worked on a number of cases defending active duty members of the U.S. Military. Whether you are a soldier, a marine, an airmen or a coast guard, you can rely on Mr. Jordan to best represent your interests in a military court of law.
To prevent damage to their professional and personal lives, army personnel should seek legal counsel and protect their rights.