Dedication to serving the nation and unwavering adherence to the military code of conduct are among the few things that soldiers need to preserve their careers. But the slightest mistake or slip up in behavior can put an army personnel's career and even freedom in jeopardy. When the U.S Military charges you of a crime, you need aggressive defense representation in military courts.
Joseph L. Jordan is an experienced UMCJ attorney who is committed to proving the innocence of sailors, soldiers, marines and airmen who are wrongfully charged of criminal activity. Mr. Jordan has 11 years of service in the military and his only aim as a defense counsel is to obtain justice for his clients. Mr. Jordan's military career in fact started at Fort Leonard Wood where he attended Basic Training in 1998.
Fort Leonard Wood is a United States Military base situated in Missouri. The installation was established in 1940 as an engineer training post and in 1984, a number of US Army Engineering schools were consolidated at Fort Leonard Wood. Today, Fort Leonard Wood is an enormous Army training center of excellence mentoring around 80 to 90 thousand military personnel and civilians every year.
The military training base comprises of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, which offers training and education service members of the U.S. Army Engineer School and the U.S. Army Military Police School.

The center also offers training to U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) School under the Training and Doctrine Command. The center trains warriors and leaders and supports advancement of military police, engineer, maneuver support and CBRN capabilities.
The Fort Leonard Wood community has access to necessary facilities like commissary, schools, fitness center, education center, dental services, hospital etc on post. The community also has several ongoing recreational and welfare programs that members can partake in. As part of the community services, Fort Leonard Wood has a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program, which has helped keep the percentage of sex crimes in the area to a minimum.
Fort Leonard Wood also has a number of bars and clubs that soldiers and officers of the U.S military can frequent. Fist fights and like are common occurrences in such places, and could involve army personnel at times. If a small tiff between soldiers gets out of hand and leads to severe violence, it could result in charges of assault or even attempted murder. In such an event, military personnel should not delay in hiring the services of an able Fort Leonard Wood UCMJ lawyer.
Sex related crimes, be it rape, molestation or even enticement of innocent, young children for sexual favors are not tolerated by the military courts. Aggravated sexual assault is a major crime that can result in dishonorable discharge or even imprisonment of the accused. A number of drugs and sex related crimes have surfaced across military bases in the US, including the Fort Leonard Wood training area. Even when military personnel take utmost care to restrain from any activity that could be counted as sexual assault, a small misunderstanding can lead to them being charged of this crime by the authorities.
Mr. Jordan has successfully defended both officers and enlisted personnel stationed at Fort Leonard Wood against serious crimes. When you find yourself wrongly charged for a crime that you have not committed, seeking legal advice is the first thing you should do.
With over a decade of experience as a defense lawyer, Mr. Jordan knows how best to use his knowledge and understanding of the prosecution to defend and protect the rights of his clients, whether they are soldiers, marines, sailors or airmen. Contact our firm today for the defense you need.