Client was accused of fraudulently submitting a false transcript to the S-1 resulting in his promotion to E-6. He was also accused of encouraging others to do it. Two other individuals were allegedly involved, and they received suspended article 15’s for their part in this. This was an interesting case that required a deep dive into how the Army excepts transcripts. Our client went online, submitted his joint service transcript to a college in return for a transcript of college credits. He turned this transcript in to the S-1. In the program, the acceptable colleges are already pre-programed. When the S-1 inputted the data into the system, his transcript was automatically excepted. Two fellow Soldiers asked him about his “I Love Me” book and he briefly explained that he submitted his JST to receive college credit. Unfortunately, the college he submitted his JST to has undergone significant litigation over providing bad transcripts. Our client was unaware of this…and so was the Army. Still, the legal office saw fit to seek to adversely separate this Soldier from the Army on this sole reason. Client is a stellar Soldier, well-liked by all. We were able to show that our client did not intentionally do anything wrong, and he was RETAINED!